Last post, I outlined the goals of the international global Socialist Left movement. Now, I will outline how we, as Conservatives, can fight this movement and ensure victory in the ongoing war between the righteous Right and the cowardly Left.
This is a rehash of an old article of mine called Seven Steps to Victory. It shows precisely how this war can be won and society saved from the evils of leftism.
Those of us on the correct side of the political spectrum (the Right) are locked in a perpetual war with those of us on the other side (the Left). The war never ends because the Left, unable to accept that they a) are a tiny minority and b) truly lost two decades ago when the Berlin Wall came down, continue to fight. They continue to wage their petty wars against profit, against the family, against God and against anything else they see as getting in the way of their socialist utopia.
Unfortunately, with Barack Obama’s recent victory in the United States, the Left seem to think they have won. And I admit that, perhaps, the collapse of the Soviet Union didn’t end the war once and for all as we thought it had. The Left seem to be regrouping.
The worldwide scam of climate change, for which there is no evidence whatsoever, nonetheless has millions of devotees worldwide, thanks largely to Al Gore whose hatred of success and profit borders on the obsessive.
The Obama win is just the latest in a long line of setbacks for the global Right. Now, for the first time in decades, we find ourselves without a foothold in the governance of the most powerful nation on Earth. Even in Australia, the Right have begun to stumble. First, we lost our standard-bearer in the defeat of john Howard last year. The Rudd myth (that he is anything but a profit-hating socialist and an elitist snob) was so successful because we, in the Right, started to move away from what made us great in the first place. Now that Howard is gone, the modern Liberal Party is flirting more and more with a leftward stance. Like most Howard supporters, I haven’t abandoned the Liberal Party just yet; though the idea of Malcolm Turnbull, who is a republican (another socialist scam) as Prime Minister doesn’t exactly appeal, on his most left-wing day he is further right than Kevin Rudd, who wants to give the unions control of the national economy.
So how do we get back in the game? What can we, the Right, do to prevent those evil, fear-mongering, profit-hating atheists on the Left from taking control of the world, forever?
The answer is obvious. We have to recapture the public. The Left gained ground because they convinced millions of people they had changed – that they weren’t socialist barbarians any more. To beat them, we need to show people they haven't. Adopting their policies and their methodology, as some have suggested, won’t work. All it will do is make people think we think they’re right.
Instead, we need to return to our roots. We need to show people that we are the only side that can keep the world from descending into an Orwellian nightmare.
So I have outlined a seven-step plan to do just this. By following these steps, the Republicans will oust Obama in 2012, Rudd will be toast this time next year, and the world can get on with itself again and forget this temporary leftist coup ever took place.
1. Give no ground.
The leftists are wrong. About everything. They have never had a single good idea. Everything they do is designed to destroy modern society, because that is their intent. But there is a real temptation to adopt their policies because we think it will make people like us again. It won’t. All it will do is hasten the downfall of civilization the left have been dreaming about for centuries. There are certain people who claim to be conservative that have been ‘sucked in’ by liberalism and think that their ‘moderation’ is the key to success. But they don’t realise that this is what liberals want. They want us to be like them, just like they want everybody else to be like them.So instead, we need to hold firm to our beliefs. Abortion is murder. You cannot be conservative and pro-abortion. Homosexuality is a sin. You cannot be conservative and pro-gay. Deficit is bad. You cannot be conservative and pro-deficit. You certainly cannot be non-religious and conservative. A religious belief, especially the Judeo-Christian variety, is crucial, central, and even fundamental to the very basis of conservative thought. An atheist conservative is a contradiction in terms – both pro-choice and pro-life? Impossible. Yet there are plenty within our movement who are tempted to adopt these positions. There are so-called ‘conservatives’ who claim to be pro-abortion, atheist, pro-gay – even some, like the ridiculous “Log Cabin Republicans” in the United States, who claim to be conservative but practice an immoral lifestyle totally out of step with conservative ideology.To become Number One again, conservatives need to resist the temptation to do these things. We need to remain where we belong – honest, decent, hard-working and CONSERVATIVE.
2. Excise the impure
If we want to remain pure to our beliefs, the second step is to continue the work begun in the first. Once conservatives accept that there is only one true type of conservatism, the next step is to expel from the various parties and movements those who advocate otherwise.In Australia, this means a purge of the Liberal Party, trimming out all the republicans, all the abortionists, all the homosexuals and all the non-believers. Malcolm Turnbull would have to go, along with Christopher Pyne, Julie Bishop and everybody else who advocates anything other than a hard line on abortion, gay rights and the War on Terror. Anybody who makes any public (or even private) statements on any of these issues that differs one iota from the official, conservative line needs to be expelled and prohibited from ever rejoining.In the United States, this means a radical purge of the Republican Party, by which I mean a purge of all the radicals. The so-called RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) including, but by no means limited to, Chuck Hagel, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Lindsey Graham.This also extends to others who are sometimes considered ‘real Republicans’ but advocate non-conservative views. John McCain opposed the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have banned homosexual marriage. So he’s out. Sarah Palin, however, would stay, as would other good conservatives like Pat Buchanan, Mike Huckabee, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, John Bolton and more. With the right-wing parties cleansed of those who would seek to adopt liberalism, we will once again be seen for what we once were and what we should be – the sole, true and honest guardians, or champions, of traditional values and mainstream society.
3. Don’t let the Left have what they want
From time to time, especially in Australia, the right just cave in to the left’s demands. We vote for their legislation, and make up feeble excuses as to why. We have to resist this trend as well, and ALWAYS oppose whatever scams or schemes the left come up with next. To their credit, the Republicans have already done this in the USA by opposing Obama’s “stimulus package” which is designed to cripple the U.S. economy. In Australia, the Liberal Party has followed suit, by opposing Rudd’s version of the same thing. It would have been very tempting to avoid “being obstructionist” or “damaging the economy” by voting FOR the packages, but they didn’t, because, thankfully, they realise that once you vote for a liberal scam, you’re trapped into voting for all of them until everything the left wants comes true. It’s the economic package one day, the next day you’re voting to nationalise all business and the next day you’re voting to abolish capitalism and religion. But sometimes we do give ground. In the U.S., for instance, almost all the Republicans in the Senate voted to install Hillary Clinton, the most dangerous woman alive, as Secretary of State. They voted to put a woman who has admitted she is both a) a socialist and b) anti-American in charge of the foreign policy of the world’s only superpower. Their explanation for why was simply that Clinton was ‘qualified’ to be Secretary of State, leaving out the part about her being totally unsuitable and a great danger to Western civilisation. This is why Clinton is now in her position. Republicans can’t complain about anything she does, because they put her there.But why did they put her there? Because some conservatives think that by giving liberals what they want on the small things, we can more ably fight them on the big things. But what they fail to realise is that there ARE no small things! This is a war, and in a war where the stakes are as high as these, any defeat is a significant defeat.So to win, we have to oppose the left at every turn. By doing this we will show how steadfast we are, and how our values will never be compromised. Republicans should vote against every bill Obama sends to Congress. The Liberals should vote against every bill in the Australian Parliament, no matter how ‘reasonable’ it seems to those sucked in by left-wing lies. Only then can we show the people the true left-wing agenda.
4. Stop reading books
I’ve never trusted books. Books, especially those written by people with letters after their name, mean trouble. Obama and Rudd get all their ideas from books, and look how they’ve turned out. Al Gore wrote a book, now millions of people have been sucked in by the climate change scam. Getting your ideas from books leads to trouble. The world is a simple place, and there are simple truths to life that are threatened if too many of us start reading intellectual books. We all know, if we’ve been brought up properly, that welfare is socialism, and therefore bad. But if someone from a university, even someone claiming to be one of us, writes a book that expresses the idea that it isn’t, or that it is but it’s not necessarily a bad thing, there might be a very strong temptation to read it and adopt the dangerous new ideas in it. This only leads to us becoming more like the left – convinced that people with qualifications know more about life than people who were raised with good conservative values.There is only one book worth getting any ideas out of. All of us who are true conservatives know what it’s called.
5. Stop trying to ‘prove’ everything.
The left are obsessed with ‘proof’. If you can’t dig a ‘fact’ out of some dead German’s meisterwerk, it’s not true. We all know that’s nonsense. Some things are true whether or not you can ‘prove’ them or not. The sky is blue. Rain is wet. Abortion is murder. Humans are descended from Adam, not apes. These things will still be true, whether we can prove them or not. The left challenge us to ‘prove’ everything we say and we oblige them, giving them an opening to attack our sources or our research. So we need to stop. By not falling for the left’s obsession with ‘evidence’ for everything, our message will have more impact and the left won’t be able to attack us.
6. Find a global standard-bearer.
The left are doing so well because they have a single, undisputed leader. In Australia, Kevin Rudd gets his marching orders from only one man – the sole, unchallenged fuhrer of the global left movement – Barack Hussein Obama. We need our own Obama. We need a single individual to be our worldwide herald, a person who can be for us what Obama is to the left. Someone who holds true to all right-wing values and who understands what needs to be done to win this war. Unfortunately, it can no longer be George W. Bush, who cannot be President again. Dick Cheney, as much as he would be a good candidate, seems to lack any personal skills. My personal choice would be Sarah Palin. Palin has all the qualities necessary to be the conservative movement’s number one figure. She is different (a woman – Obama’s support is mostly due to his race, so let’s counter that by putting up a woman as our standard-bearer), she is solidly conservative and she is personable. She understands that we’re at war. She doesn’t read too many books. Her ideas are all good, solid conservative ones. Her commitment to our values is rock-solid. In 2012 or (god forbid) 2016, putting Sarah Palin up as our worldwide leader would surely lead to a resurgence in our favour that would knock the left out of play for decades to come.
7. Give pundits and commentators more influence.
I am referring not only to myself but to Americans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly. In Australia it is people like Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt and Piers Ackerman. These are people who are not only good conservatives, but, importantly, have their fingers on the pulse of public opinion. It is these pundits who are our messengers and salesmen, but we should be using them as our advisers and counsellors. Nobody knows better than a news columnist or radio/TV host what the public is thinking. By the ‘public’ I mean those decent, honest, hard-working people, not the fringe left. It is these people who are able to correctly read and divine the public’s mood on an issue and then write or speak the truth to the masses. Rush Limbaugh should be running the Republican Party because he knows, better than anybody, what is important to mainstream Americans. Exactly the same situation applies to Alan Jones in Australia. We need these people to be our confidantes. They should be setting our policy agendas so that when we go to the people at an election, our policies are well in-line with mainstream values.
Only by following these steps can we, the global right, once again become ascendant and prevent the collapse of freedom and capitalism that the left are determined to force upon us all. The most important thing to remember is this: WE ARE AT WAR. During World War II, did the bombing of London cause Churchill to back down and let the Germans invade? No, it strengthened his resolve. Many wanted to concede defeat, but Churchill refused. So too must it be now with the rise of the Left. We may, alas, have lost the battle. But we will win the war if we remember to be true to who we are.
Monday, May 18, 2009
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