I think that today is therefore a good day to educate people about exactly what it is that socialists and communists believe. A lot has been written about this subject but there is a lot of disinformation. It is therefore appropriate that I set the record straight and outline exactly what the global Left, which includes Obama and Rudd, believe the state of our world should be and how they plan to make it a reality.
Socialist ideology boils down to 3 main tenets. They are:
- An all-powerful, one-world government.
- The abolition of success, privilege and profit
- The abolition of religion and other non-socialist institutions
I will explain what each means in turn and how the global Left plan to make it happen.
1. An all-powerful, one-world government
Socialists believe the government should have the power to do anything whatsoever, with no regard for the personal liberties of others. This extends to the right to make money and be successful, which I will revisit later, since it is the core of their belief system.
Socialits want to replace each country with an all mighty, totalitarian, socialist government spanning the whole world. The socialist propagandist, George Orwell, described this utopia in very specific terms in his work 1984, which outlines exactly the kind of society and government Orwell and his disciples wanted and still want today. A socialist government would replace all national governments and become a one-world, unitary state ruled by a group of the socialist elite, which of course would all be leading academics. Socialists worship academics because their idea of an 'achiever' is a person who has read a lot of books. There would be no democracy and all dissent, including religion, would be banned. I will expand on this point later.
Socialists love transnational bodies such as the European Union and the United Nations because they see them as the key to this global takeover. More and more national powers are eroded by these international bodies (such as treaties on 'rights' subverting national law) until they effectively form a global dictatorship.
2. The abolition of success, privilege and profit
The Left hate success. Because they are all miserable failures who don't know how to be successful in life, they don't want anybody else to be successful either. So the socialist utopia is one in which there is no success, at least not by the standards that we define it. Anything anybody earns in this world will simply be given to the government. It will be illegal to operate a business or any other enterprise if the intention is to make money. There will be no legal way for a person to better themselves. The entire purpose of life, which is to get to the top of the pile and stay there, will be abolished, rendering all existence ultimately pointless. Thus, everybody will be poor and miserable.
Which is exactly what socialists want. Socialism stipulates that everybody should be poor and miserable. They call it 'equality', but they know that their total inability to handle an economy will render everybody poor, except for the lucky elite who are in charge.
The socialist plan to abolish all profit and success is already well underway. One of their master strokes was the total fabrication of 'climate change'. This gives them an excuse to punish people for being successful and making profit. You can't make money or have a nice car anymore - it's "bad for the planet". With this myth now firmly entrenched in society, the socialists plan to take it to its logical conclusion by banning all profit, making their dream a reality.
3. The abolition of religion and other non-socialist institutions
In order to maintain their global socialist utopia, the left want to silence all dissent. One of the biggest sources of dissent against the leftist agenda is organised religion, or indeed, religion of any kind, especially Christianity. Christians believe that we should govern our lives and our nations according to the teachings of God and Christ. Socialists view this as dangerous because it conflicts with their own views, which are that our lives and nations should be governed according to the teachings of Lenin, Marx and Al Gore.
So, socialists want to make Christianity, and other religion, illegal. The exception seems to be Islam, which they don't seem to have a problem with. I find this confusing, but I put it down to socialists being insane. But their plan to abolish Christianity manifests itself as a distinct anti-religious agenda in the policies of their administrations around the world. In the United States, for instance, they prevent school children from even saying prayers, in order to indoctrinate them into this non-Christian world. In Australia, their tactics are more subtle. Socialists make it very clear they oppose religion by conducting themselves in a manner totally against Christian teaching and showing utter contempt for those of us who were brought up properly.
Hopefully now, it is very clear what socialists want and how they plan to achieve it.
My next post will explain how we, as conservatives, can fight their plans and ensure they don't get what they want.
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