This is another repost, this time of an article I initially posted on several discussion forums. It quite nicely sums up the proper attitude to the Global Left.
Ten Reasons I Hate the Left
1. The left hate success.
This is the all-time biggie. People on the left have a problem with people making money and being successful. They want everybody to be poor and miserable. This is why they want everybody to start living 'modestly' and why Obama told people to work more hours rather than see a 'friend lose their job'. This is also why they hate profit - if a business is successful and makes a profit, the left are the first ones to force them to stop due to "climate change" (see below).
2. The left hate families.
People on the left all come from broken homes or have terrible family life and that's why they hate it that the rest of us don't. Ordinary, decent folk like us think the family is sacred but leftists don't because they want everybody's family to be like theirs. So they want to destroy families by making homosexuals get married and marrying straight people off to homosexuals just to throw a spanner in the works of hard-working, decent families.
3. The left hate God.
All leftists are Athiests, whether they say so or not. They hate God and they want to see His work undone by killing the unborn (abortion) endorsing un-Biblical behaviour (homsexuality) and making society "secular", which is leftist code for "abolishing religion". They think religion is responsible for all the world's ills, totally ignoring the basic truth that if everybody was Christian, the world wouldn't HAVE any ills.
4. The left tell lies.
They make up huge whopper porkies to wage their petty wars and make them 'acceptable' to people. The Big Liberal Lie is, of course, "climate change", which someone thought up and must have got a medal because now they can wage their war on profit and success and claim it's for the good of the planet! Another big lie is the one told by Obama and Australia's own Kevin Rudd, which is that they want to "change" their country, which really means "turn it into a Socialist utopia"
5. The left want everybody to be like them.
Which is the reason for all their little wars and petty hatreds. They hate successful, wealthy, Christian, happy people because they are all poor, miserable, athiest failures and they can't be bothered to fix their own lives, preferring instead to make the rest of us like them. Again, this ignores the basic truth - if THEY were all like US, the world would be a better place.
6. The left don't know when to give up.
They LOST. The Berlin Wall fell twenty years ago! The USSR no longer exists! Communism has failed (except in China, where they all want to live). But they keep insisting it could come back. Guess what? It ain't gonna! WE WON! Accept that and join the rest of us!
7. The left are hypocrites.
Especially those like Michael Moore, who professes to be on the side of "the poor" but has a huge mansion! News flash: the rich are BETTER than the poor because they are successful! If you're one of the rich, you CAN'T be on the side of the poor! Duh!
8. The left are snobs.
They think having fifty letters after your name and having written a book with lots of long words makes you a better person. Some of them actually swallow the "climate change" crap because the scammers trot out these 'intellectuals" who bombard them with figures, and it must be true because this guy's a professor! And the ridiculous notion that "education is the key" is just another example.
9. The left want everybody to be equal.
People are NOT equal. There are always those on top and those below. The trick is to GET to the top and STAY THERE. But leftists just want to make everybody equal (ie. on the bottom) so the entire purpose of life is destroyed.
10. Leftists want to tell everybody what to do.
They think governments should tell people what to think and what to say and what to do. Why? It's obvious. Because if government didn't do that, we might all suddenly realise what crap they're spouting!
That's why I hate the Left.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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