As much as I hate to support anything the Rudd Regime does, I admit that they have at least done something useful (other than the clean feed) in their implementation of the MySchool website. At this site (, parents can access the test score information of their local schools and make the informed choice as to which school to send their children to. However, the site has revealed figures which do not lie and confirm what conservatives have known all along - that public education does not work.
Students in the public education system show consistently lower reading, writing and mathematics skills than their private school counterparts. There is only one explanation for this. Public schools do not teach children. They indoctrinate them.
Teachers in the public system are recruited almost exclusively from the ranks of the Labor Party or the Greens. They are pseudo-intellectual leftist radicals who are not interested in teaching children what they need to know and instilling them with strong moral values. Instead, their goal is to turn each child into a good little socialist, brainwashing them with leftist lies and propaganda. They no longer teach religion in the public system, for instance. Religion, with its strong moral centre, is the basis for all ethical and decent behaviour. Children who do not learn the difference between right and wrong grow up to become socialists, radicals and homosexuals. Religious studies would set them right instantly by pointing them to the Bible, but the leftist teachers don't want that. They don't want children seeing the Bible, learning the wisdom of God and thinking for themselves. So instead they poison their minds with Marxist texts and "social justice", which is code for socialist programs, welfare and emotionalism. Children who are educated in public schools have no respect for traditional values and what it means to be Australian. They are taught to hate their country. This is all in accordance with the greater plan of the Global Left - namely, a worldwide socialist tyranny. Eliminating all feelings of patriotism and morality is an integral part of this plan.
The big question as far as I am concerned is why we have allowed this situation to go on for so long. Public education has been around for many years, and it has always been like this. So why have conservative governments done nothing about it? Even John Howard, who in most respects was an exemplary leader and a great patriot, did little to address the problem. And the solution is perfectly obvious. Public education needs to be abolished.
If all education were left to either the churches or private investment, the problem would go away in one stroke. Parents would still be able to choose, only between two good schools rather than a bad one and a good one. A parent could choose the local Catholic school or the local Protestant school, depending on their faith. For those for whom the school fees are the paramount concern, market forces would play an integral part. The schools that provide the kind of education children need would be successful and be able to offer competitive fees. Exclusivity would be maintained for those schools for whom tradition matters.
Most importantly, moral education would be restored. Children would now learn how to read, write and add, rather than how to read a dead foreigner's pointless musings on dreams. Children would understand the Bible and God's will, rather than be taught that all religion is evil. And children would learn that their nation is the greatest on Earth and must be protected; it's heritage, its traditions and its culture, at all costs, as opposed to being taught their nation should be ruled from China and Iran by socialists or terrorists.
The natural extension to this plan would be to abolish universities. There are some private universities, but the vast bulk of universities would be abolished and thus end the tyranny of the intellectual left. The idea that you can learn all you need to know and get all your ideas from books written by dead Germans would be destroyed. The idea that just because a person has letters after their name they are better than you would be destroyed. All this nonsense about 'science' being the be-all and end-all of human knowledge, as opposed to religion, which has been around thousands of years longer, would be destroyed.
Thus, by abolishing all public education, we on the right would deal a crippling blow to the left and halt their agenda. Without the ability to use schools as recruitment stations, the left would lose one of their major tactical positions. It might even cripple them for good and allow those of us who still believe in God, decency and tradition to make sure these things are never forgotten.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Abbott will restore Australian morality
This is an article I submitted to the ABC's "The Drum", an online 'opinion' journal which is really just a forum for Ruddist propaganda, just like the entire ABC. Their refusal to publish this simply proves the point that the ABC are a socialist front, with no interest in the truth or democracy. The article is presented here in its entirety.
Abbott will restore Australian morality
By Byron Bayh Jr.
All things being equal, Tony Abbott will be Prime Minister by the end of the year. Everybody knows it. The Australian on the street, provided he understands the Australian political landscape and hasn’t been corrupted by the Ruddite propaganda machine, will tell you that Rudd and his socialist, morally bankrupt politburo only ‘won’ the 2007 election through lies and trickery. Abbott, a shining example of the way Australia’s leaders should be, will lead the Liberal Party to victory again because he, rather than Rudd, represents Australia’s true values; the values of honesty, integrity, morality, Christianity, success and hard work. Rudd represents none of these. He is the most dishonest leader Australia has ever known – every single pronouncement by his government is spin and lies. His moral standard is rock bottom – he firmly believes in the destruction of Australian morals through his rejection of our values. His claims to Christianity are dubious at best; a good Christian allows God to guide his judgement. He, like all on the Left, detest success and profit and strive to eliminate them with plans like the ‘Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme’, which has been firmly established as nothing more than a tax on those who are successful in business. And of course, Rudd, as a former public servant, has never worked an honest day’s work in his life.
Tony Abbott, though, represents the complete reverse. He is a morally upstanding, Christian, hardworking politician in the Howard mould. Under John Howard, in who’s government Abbott was consistently the best performing minister, Australian morality was unchallenged. Any attempt to make Australia anything more than the ethical, God-fearing, success-driven nation it is was quickly stamped on. Witness the republican movement, whose stated goal is nothing less than the abolition of our democracy and the introduction of a one-party, socialist state. Witness Islamist terrorism – under Rudd, the movement has gained strength due to its appeasement in the withdrawal from Iraq, while under the Howard government, our terrorist enemies feared the very mention of our name. But now, with Rudd occupying the Lodge (which in itself is a sign of his moral decay – Canberra is a cesspool of leftist agitators and corrupt government lackeys, no place for a Prime Minister; Howard knew this and wisely chose to live on Sydney’s North Shore among the true representatives of Australian decency), Australian morality has declined to a zenith. In two years, Rudd has taken Australia from being a God-fearing nation of morally upright, hardworking citizens to a union state under which the Judeo-Christian moral code has no meaning.
Under Abbott, things will be different. Abbott, like Howard, knows the difference between right and wrong. He knows that Australians were tricked into accepting Rudd and his union boss minions and that their twisted philosophy in no way represents mainstream Australian values. Abbott knows that Australians are a God-fearing people. He is a committed Roman Catholic. He rightly opposes abortion, the unprompted murder of children. No truly moral person can condone abortion; indeed, the long-term goal of pro-abortion advocates is the mandatory termination of all pregnancies, sterilising the human race and destroying society. Surely no sane person could be in favour of this. Kevin Rudd is. Tony Abbott is not. Abbott opposes immigration. All Australians know that our country was built on hard work and sacrifice. People who come from overseas in leaky boats are attempting to circumvent the efforts of hardworking people who are using the due process. Abbott knows that Australia has been, and always will be, a nation of European values and traditions. He knows that affecting that balance would rob us of our national identity. Kevin Rudd would like to see Australians ruled from China as a province of their communist empire. Tony Abbott recognises communism as the second greatest threat to our nation after terrorism. When it comes to terrorism, Tony Abbott knows that showing any weakness whatsoever will lead to our destruction. Kevin Rudd wants to appease terrorists and ultimately surrender our nation to them, just as his ally Barack Hussein Obama’s long-term goal is the surrender of the United States to the forces of Islamism and its incorporation into a global caliphate ruled from Tehran. And, of course, as I have mentioned already, Tony Abbott understands that success is the driving force behind all true Australians. Our goal in life is to climb the ladder of society and become successful and wealthy. Rudd, as a leftist, hates all success and has vowed to abolish it. Abbott would rightly maintain Australia’s capitalistic economy, while Rudd has made no secret of his desire to destroy it, and our society with it.
Nowhere has it been made more clear that Abbott is in touch with mainstream Australian morality than his recent interview with the Australian Women’s Weekly. In that interview, Abbott said what all true Australians would surely echo, that premarital sex is immoral and dangerous. Those may not have been his exact words, but his meaning was clear to all intelligent people. Premarital sex, especially among teenagers, leads to pregnancy and the raising of families outside the traditional family structure, morally corrupting the children. Fornication is, as God intended, a necessary, if distasteful, part of the marital and procreative process. It is not meant as some sort of recreational activity, and those who use it as such are moral deviants with no respect for the laws of God. This moral decline in this area, particularly among Australian youth, has been apparent for some time. Under the Howard government, it was made clear it was not to be tolerated, but now that the Ruddists have stolen their way to power, it will not be long before condoms are distributed to preteens in their school lunches.
The only thing which will prevent Abbott from becoming Prime Minister is if the election itself is cancelled. The Ruddists know they will lose if an honest election is held, so they will either do one of two things. They will either do what they did last time, which is spin an elaborate web of cunning deceptions, using outright lies to con themselves back into power, or they will abolish our democracy altogether and rule as despots, which is virtually what has happened already. Assuming the second does not happen, the Rudd Regime will come crashing down, and our moral compass will once again point rightwards. If what would in safer times what be called ‘the unthinkable’ happens, and Australia finds itself robbed of democratic freedoms, Abbott, with his love of freedom and hatred of oppression, would become our leader-in-exile, the true guardian of Australian values.
Either way, Tony Abbott is destined to become Australia’s next great moral leader and crusader. After two years of ethical decay, it is long overdue.
Abbott will restore Australian morality
By Byron Bayh Jr.
All things being equal, Tony Abbott will be Prime Minister by the end of the year. Everybody knows it. The Australian on the street, provided he understands the Australian political landscape and hasn’t been corrupted by the Ruddite propaganda machine, will tell you that Rudd and his socialist, morally bankrupt politburo only ‘won’ the 2007 election through lies and trickery. Abbott, a shining example of the way Australia’s leaders should be, will lead the Liberal Party to victory again because he, rather than Rudd, represents Australia’s true values; the values of honesty, integrity, morality, Christianity, success and hard work. Rudd represents none of these. He is the most dishonest leader Australia has ever known – every single pronouncement by his government is spin and lies. His moral standard is rock bottom – he firmly believes in the destruction of Australian morals through his rejection of our values. His claims to Christianity are dubious at best; a good Christian allows God to guide his judgement. He, like all on the Left, detest success and profit and strive to eliminate them with plans like the ‘Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme’, which has been firmly established as nothing more than a tax on those who are successful in business. And of course, Rudd, as a former public servant, has never worked an honest day’s work in his life.
Tony Abbott, though, represents the complete reverse. He is a morally upstanding, Christian, hardworking politician in the Howard mould. Under John Howard, in who’s government Abbott was consistently the best performing minister, Australian morality was unchallenged. Any attempt to make Australia anything more than the ethical, God-fearing, success-driven nation it is was quickly stamped on. Witness the republican movement, whose stated goal is nothing less than the abolition of our democracy and the introduction of a one-party, socialist state. Witness Islamist terrorism – under Rudd, the movement has gained strength due to its appeasement in the withdrawal from Iraq, while under the Howard government, our terrorist enemies feared the very mention of our name. But now, with Rudd occupying the Lodge (which in itself is a sign of his moral decay – Canberra is a cesspool of leftist agitators and corrupt government lackeys, no place for a Prime Minister; Howard knew this and wisely chose to live on Sydney’s North Shore among the true representatives of Australian decency), Australian morality has declined to a zenith. In two years, Rudd has taken Australia from being a God-fearing nation of morally upright, hardworking citizens to a union state under which the Judeo-Christian moral code has no meaning.
Under Abbott, things will be different. Abbott, like Howard, knows the difference between right and wrong. He knows that Australians were tricked into accepting Rudd and his union boss minions and that their twisted philosophy in no way represents mainstream Australian values. Abbott knows that Australians are a God-fearing people. He is a committed Roman Catholic. He rightly opposes abortion, the unprompted murder of children. No truly moral person can condone abortion; indeed, the long-term goal of pro-abortion advocates is the mandatory termination of all pregnancies, sterilising the human race and destroying society. Surely no sane person could be in favour of this. Kevin Rudd is. Tony Abbott is not. Abbott opposes immigration. All Australians know that our country was built on hard work and sacrifice. People who come from overseas in leaky boats are attempting to circumvent the efforts of hardworking people who are using the due process. Abbott knows that Australia has been, and always will be, a nation of European values and traditions. He knows that affecting that balance would rob us of our national identity. Kevin Rudd would like to see Australians ruled from China as a province of their communist empire. Tony Abbott recognises communism as the second greatest threat to our nation after terrorism. When it comes to terrorism, Tony Abbott knows that showing any weakness whatsoever will lead to our destruction. Kevin Rudd wants to appease terrorists and ultimately surrender our nation to them, just as his ally Barack Hussein Obama’s long-term goal is the surrender of the United States to the forces of Islamism and its incorporation into a global caliphate ruled from Tehran. And, of course, as I have mentioned already, Tony Abbott understands that success is the driving force behind all true Australians. Our goal in life is to climb the ladder of society and become successful and wealthy. Rudd, as a leftist, hates all success and has vowed to abolish it. Abbott would rightly maintain Australia’s capitalistic economy, while Rudd has made no secret of his desire to destroy it, and our society with it.
Nowhere has it been made more clear that Abbott is in touch with mainstream Australian morality than his recent interview with the Australian Women’s Weekly. In that interview, Abbott said what all true Australians would surely echo, that premarital sex is immoral and dangerous. Those may not have been his exact words, but his meaning was clear to all intelligent people. Premarital sex, especially among teenagers, leads to pregnancy and the raising of families outside the traditional family structure, morally corrupting the children. Fornication is, as God intended, a necessary, if distasteful, part of the marital and procreative process. It is not meant as some sort of recreational activity, and those who use it as such are moral deviants with no respect for the laws of God. This moral decline in this area, particularly among Australian youth, has been apparent for some time. Under the Howard government, it was made clear it was not to be tolerated, but now that the Ruddists have stolen their way to power, it will not be long before condoms are distributed to preteens in their school lunches.
The only thing which will prevent Abbott from becoming Prime Minister is if the election itself is cancelled. The Ruddists know they will lose if an honest election is held, so they will either do one of two things. They will either do what they did last time, which is spin an elaborate web of cunning deceptions, using outright lies to con themselves back into power, or they will abolish our democracy altogether and rule as despots, which is virtually what has happened already. Assuming the second does not happen, the Rudd Regime will come crashing down, and our moral compass will once again point rightwards. If what would in safer times what be called ‘the unthinkable’ happens, and Australia finds itself robbed of democratic freedoms, Abbott, with his love of freedom and hatred of oppression, would become our leader-in-exile, the true guardian of Australian values.
Either way, Tony Abbott is destined to become Australia’s next great moral leader and crusader. After two years of ethical decay, it is long overdue.
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