Monday, February 1, 2010

Why public education needs to end.

As much as I hate to support anything the Rudd Regime does, I admit that they have at least done something useful (other than the clean feed) in their implementation of the MySchool website. At this site (, parents can access the test score information of their local schools and make the informed choice as to which school to send their children to. However, the site has revealed figures which do not lie and confirm what conservatives have known all along - that public education does not work.
Students in the public education system show consistently lower reading, writing and mathematics skills than their private school counterparts. There is only one explanation for this. Public schools do not teach children. They indoctrinate them.
Teachers in the public system are recruited almost exclusively from the ranks of the Labor Party or the Greens. They are pseudo-intellectual leftist radicals who are not interested in teaching children what they need to know and instilling them with strong moral values. Instead, their goal is to turn each child into a good little socialist, brainwashing them with leftist lies and propaganda. They no longer teach religion in the public system, for instance. Religion, with its strong moral centre, is the basis for all ethical and decent behaviour. Children who do not learn the difference between right and wrong grow up to become socialists, radicals and homosexuals. Religious studies would set them right instantly by pointing them to the Bible, but the leftist teachers don't want that. They don't want children seeing the Bible, learning the wisdom of God and thinking for themselves. So instead they poison their minds with Marxist texts and "social justice", which is code for socialist programs, welfare and emotionalism. Children who are educated in public schools have no respect for traditional values and what it means to be Australian. They are taught to hate their country. This is all in accordance with the greater plan of the Global Left - namely, a worldwide socialist tyranny. Eliminating all feelings of patriotism and morality is an integral part of this plan.

The big question as far as I am concerned is why we have allowed this situation to go on for so long. Public education has been around for many years, and it has always been like this. So why have conservative governments done nothing about it? Even John Howard, who in most respects was an exemplary leader and a great patriot, did little to address the problem. And the solution is perfectly obvious. Public education needs to be abolished.
If all education were left to either the churches or private investment, the problem would go away in one stroke. Parents would still be able to choose, only between two good schools rather than a bad one and a good one. A parent could choose the local Catholic school or the local Protestant school, depending on their faith. For those for whom the school fees are the paramount concern, market forces would play an integral part. The schools that provide the kind of education children need would be successful and be able to offer competitive fees. Exclusivity would be maintained for those schools for whom tradition matters.

Most importantly, moral education would be restored. Children would now learn how to read, write and add, rather than how to read a dead foreigner's pointless musings on dreams. Children would understand the Bible and God's will, rather than be taught that all religion is evil. And children would learn that their nation is the greatest on Earth and must be protected; it's heritage, its traditions and its culture, at all costs, as opposed to being taught their nation should be ruled from China and Iran by socialists or terrorists.

The natural extension to this plan would be to abolish universities. There are some private universities, but the vast bulk of universities would be abolished and thus end the tyranny of the intellectual left. The idea that you can learn all you need to know and get all your ideas from books written by dead Germans would be destroyed. The idea that just because a person has letters after their name they are better than you would be destroyed. All this nonsense about 'science' being the be-all and end-all of human knowledge, as opposed to religion, which has been around thousands of years longer, would be destroyed.

Thus, by abolishing all public education, we on the right would deal a crippling blow to the left and halt their agenda. Without the ability to use schools as recruitment stations, the left would lose one of their major tactical positions. It might even cripple them for good and allow those of us who still believe in God, decency and tradition to make sure these things are never forgotten.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Abbott will restore Australian morality

This is an article I submitted to the ABC's "The Drum", an online 'opinion' journal which is really just a forum for Ruddist propaganda, just like the entire ABC. Their refusal to publish this simply proves the point that the ABC are a socialist front, with no interest in the truth or democracy. The article is presented here in its entirety.

Abbott will restore Australian morality

By Byron Bayh Jr.

All things being equal, Tony Abbott will be Prime Minister by the end of the year. Everybody knows it. The Australian on the street, provided he understands the Australian political landscape and hasn’t been corrupted by the Ruddite propaganda machine, will tell you that Rudd and his socialist, morally bankrupt politburo only ‘won’ the 2007 election through lies and trickery. Abbott, a shining example of the way Australia’s leaders should be, will lead the Liberal Party to victory again because he, rather than Rudd, represents Australia’s true values; the values of honesty, integrity, morality, Christianity, success and hard work. Rudd represents none of these. He is the most dishonest leader Australia has ever known – every single pronouncement by his government is spin and lies. His moral standard is rock bottom – he firmly believes in the destruction of Australian morals through his rejection of our values. His claims to Christianity are dubious at best; a good Christian allows God to guide his judgement. He, like all on the Left, detest success and profit and strive to eliminate them with plans like the ‘Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme’, which has been firmly established as nothing more than a tax on those who are successful in business. And of course, Rudd, as a former public servant, has never worked an honest day’s work in his life.
Tony Abbott, though, represents the complete reverse. He is a morally upstanding, Christian, hardworking politician in the Howard mould. Under John Howard, in who’s government Abbott was consistently the best performing minister, Australian morality was unchallenged. Any attempt to make Australia anything more than the ethical, God-fearing, success-driven nation it is was quickly stamped on. Witness the republican movement, whose stated goal is nothing less than the abolition of our democracy and the introduction of a one-party, socialist state. Witness Islamist terrorism – under Rudd, the movement has gained strength due to its appeasement in the withdrawal from Iraq, while under the Howard government, our terrorist enemies feared the very mention of our name. But now, with Rudd occupying the Lodge (which in itself is a sign of his moral decay – Canberra is a cesspool of leftist agitators and corrupt government lackeys, no place for a Prime Minister; Howard knew this and wisely chose to live on Sydney’s North Shore among the true representatives of Australian decency), Australian morality has declined to a zenith. In two years, Rudd has taken Australia from being a God-fearing nation of morally upright, hardworking citizens to a union state under which the Judeo-Christian moral code has no meaning.
Under Abbott, things will be different. Abbott, like Howard, knows the difference between right and wrong. He knows that Australians were tricked into accepting Rudd and his union boss minions and that their twisted philosophy in no way represents mainstream Australian values. Abbott knows that Australians are a God-fearing people. He is a committed Roman Catholic. He rightly opposes abortion, the unprompted murder of children. No truly moral person can condone abortion; indeed, the long-term goal of pro-abortion advocates is the mandatory termination of all pregnancies, sterilising the human race and destroying society. Surely no sane person could be in favour of this. Kevin Rudd is. Tony Abbott is not. Abbott opposes immigration. All Australians know that our country was built on hard work and sacrifice. People who come from overseas in leaky boats are attempting to circumvent the efforts of hardworking people who are using the due process. Abbott knows that Australia has been, and always will be, a nation of European values and traditions. He knows that affecting that balance would rob us of our national identity. Kevin Rudd would like to see Australians ruled from China as a province of their communist empire. Tony Abbott recognises communism as the second greatest threat to our nation after terrorism. When it comes to terrorism, Tony Abbott knows that showing any weakness whatsoever will lead to our destruction. Kevin Rudd wants to appease terrorists and ultimately surrender our nation to them, just as his ally Barack Hussein Obama’s long-term goal is the surrender of the United States to the forces of Islamism and its incorporation into a global caliphate ruled from Tehran. And, of course, as I have mentioned already, Tony Abbott understands that success is the driving force behind all true Australians. Our goal in life is to climb the ladder of society and become successful and wealthy. Rudd, as a leftist, hates all success and has vowed to abolish it. Abbott would rightly maintain Australia’s capitalistic economy, while Rudd has made no secret of his desire to destroy it, and our society with it.
Nowhere has it been made more clear that Abbott is in touch with mainstream Australian morality than his recent interview with the Australian Women’s Weekly. In that interview, Abbott said what all true Australians would surely echo, that premarital sex is immoral and dangerous. Those may not have been his exact words, but his meaning was clear to all intelligent people. Premarital sex, especially among teenagers, leads to pregnancy and the raising of families outside the traditional family structure, morally corrupting the children. Fornication is, as God intended, a necessary, if distasteful, part of the marital and procreative process. It is not meant as some sort of recreational activity, and those who use it as such are moral deviants with no respect for the laws of God. This moral decline in this area, particularly among Australian youth, has been apparent for some time. Under the Howard government, it was made clear it was not to be tolerated, but now that the Ruddists have stolen their way to power, it will not be long before condoms are distributed to preteens in their school lunches.
The only thing which will prevent Abbott from becoming Prime Minister is if the election itself is cancelled. The Ruddists know they will lose if an honest election is held, so they will either do one of two things. They will either do what they did last time, which is spin an elaborate web of cunning deceptions, using outright lies to con themselves back into power, or they will abolish our democracy altogether and rule as despots, which is virtually what has happened already. Assuming the second does not happen, the Rudd Regime will come crashing down, and our moral compass will once again point rightwards. If what would in safer times what be called ‘the unthinkable’ happens, and Australia finds itself robbed of democratic freedoms, Abbott, with his love of freedom and hatred of oppression, would become our leader-in-exile, the true guardian of Australian values.
Either way, Tony Abbott is destined to become Australia’s next great moral leader and crusader. After two years of ethical decay, it is long overdue.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

On marriage

Marriage is the most holy and sacred of all institutions. It is the institution that defines our society. Without marriage, which is what the Global Left want, there would be chaos. Marriage is a way of keeping people faithful and chaste. Marriage is about stability instead of anarchy.
There are also some legal and financial benefits which are important. Thus, men and women get married.
But homosexuals now want that same right. They want to be able to marry one another so that the benefits and meaning of marriage is reduced, then destroyed. For it is the abolition of all marriage that is the true goal of homosexuals and their allies in the Global Left. They don't want marriage because it prevents the kind of deviancy and moral corruption that these people worship. Without marriage, all copulation would be meaningless debauchery, done simply for enjoyment rather than procreation. Indeed, without marriage to sustain it, procreation itself would simply cease to exist. The human race would die out. Again, this is all part of the insidious plan of the Left.

Which is why I have decided to help combat this moral decline by getting married myself. I have never been married, and at almost thirty I concede I may have left it slightly later than I would have liked. Certainly my late father, who himself was married four times, continually insisted that I marry and, according to my mother, seemed to believe that not being married was a sign I was homosexual. While being single does not necessarily mean a person is homosexual, the older a person leaves it, the more likely it is that they are, so I feel the time has come to marry in order to prevent any appearance that I would have anything in common with the dangerous radical deviants in the homosexual movement.

There are a number of financial benefits to marriage which I also would like to take advantage of, such as joint accounts, joint taxation etc. I therefore decided to choose a wife who would also accept these advantages. To that end, I approached a business partner of my accountant, whom I have known for some time. I put to her the idea of marriage for our own financial and social stability. I know for a fact that Sarah Firth (for that is her name) has been keen to marry for some time, and at thirty herself she is of the age where it is becoming more important. I pointed out to Miss Firth that my net worth of several million and my future as a high-ranking member of parliament, and probably Prime Minister within a decade, made me a prime candidate. She was won over by these arguments, as I knew she would be.

So now, Miss Firth and myself are engaged. No date has yet been set for the wedding but I believe it will be sooner rather than later. Probably by the end of this year. I have already begun to organise our finances so that they are conducted jointly, and begun to integrate Miss Firth's share portfolio into my own.

There may be a point where children are scheduled to arrive. The benefits of this would also be welcome. A $5000 'baby bonus' grant is not to be sniffed at!

Dear readers, you are the first to hear this happy news. I trust you will wish us well.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ten Reasons I Hate the Left

This is another repost, this time of an article I initially posted on several discussion forums. It quite nicely sums up the proper attitude to the Global Left.

Ten Reasons I Hate the Left

1. The left hate success.
This is the all-time biggie. People on the left have a problem with people making money and being successful. They want everybody to be poor and miserable. This is why they want everybody to start living 'modestly' and why Obama told people to work more hours rather than see a 'friend lose their job'. This is also why they hate profit - if a business is successful and makes a profit, the left are the first ones to force them to stop due to "climate change" (see below).
2. The left hate families.
People on the left all come from broken homes or have terrible family life and that's why they hate it that the rest of us don't. Ordinary, decent folk like us think the family is sacred but leftists don't because they want everybody's family to be like theirs. So they want to destroy families by making homosexuals get married and marrying straight people off to homosexuals just to throw a spanner in the works of hard-working, decent families.
3. The left hate God.
All leftists are Athiests, whether they say so or not. They hate God and they want to see His work undone by killing the unborn (abortion) endorsing un-Biblical behaviour (homsexuality) and making society "secular", which is leftist code for "abolishing religion". They think religion is responsible for all the world's ills, totally ignoring the basic truth that if everybody was Christian, the world wouldn't HAVE any ills.
4. The left tell lies.
They make up huge whopper porkies to wage their petty wars and make them 'acceptable' to people. The Big Liberal Lie is, of course, "climate change", which someone thought up and must have got a medal because now they can wage their war on profit and success and claim it's for the good of the planet! Another big lie is the one told by Obama and Australia's own Kevin Rudd, which is that they want to "change" their country, which really means "turn it into a Socialist utopia"
5. The left want everybody to be like them.
Which is the reason for all their little wars and petty hatreds. They hate successful, wealthy, Christian, happy people because they are all poor, miserable, athiest failures and they can't be bothered to fix their own lives, preferring instead to make the rest of us like them. Again, this ignores the basic truth - if THEY were all like US, the world would be a better place.
6. The left don't know when to give up.
They LOST. The Berlin Wall fell twenty years ago! The USSR no longer exists! Communism has failed (except in China, where they all want to live). But they keep insisting it could come back. Guess what? It ain't gonna! WE WON! Accept that and join the rest of us!
7. The left are hypocrites.
Especially those like Michael Moore, who professes to be on the side of "the poor" but has a huge mansion! News flash: the rich are BETTER than the poor because they are successful! If you're one of the rich, you CAN'T be on the side of the poor! Duh!
8. The left are snobs.
They think having fifty letters after your name and having written a book with lots of long words makes you a better person. Some of them actually swallow the "climate change" crap because the scammers trot out these 'intellectuals" who bombard them with figures, and it must be true because this guy's a professor! And the ridiculous notion that "education is the key" is just another example.
9. The left want everybody to be equal.
People are NOT equal. There are always those on top and those below. The trick is to GET to the top and STAY THERE. But leftists just want to make everybody equal (ie. on the bottom) so the entire purpose of life is destroyed.
10. Leftists want to tell everybody what to do.
They think governments should tell people what to think and what to say and what to do. Why? It's obvious. Because if government didn't do that, we might all suddenly realise what crap they're spouting!

That's why I hate the Left.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The war on democracy continues

If you ever needed another reason to stay AWAY from Canberra (and you don't), then the poorly-named 'Museum of Australian Democracy' is a perfect example.
I went to Canberra because I had a meeting with an Old Boy from my school who had promised to give me some support in my campaign to become the next federal MP for Bradfield. That meeting was unremarkable and useless, but I was stuck in that godforsaken left-wing mess of a capital city with nothing to do.
With several hours to go before my flight home, I unwisely decided to 'see the sights'. Someone I know in Canberra (I hesitate to suggest he is anything resembling a 'friend', but we correspond infrequently and I correct his radical leftism) had recommended the 'Museum of Australian Democracy' as an example of a world-class cultural institution. I reluctantly agreed to view it, on the basis that anything was better than standing about in the city's impossibly cold climate.
The 'museum' is located at the foot of Capital Hill, in what is now called Old Parliament House. It is a squalid, tiny, ramshackle building that regardless was home to our greatest democratic institution for sixty years - it is NOT a building befitting such a great bastion of democracy. And it continues that tradition under its new name - by totally failing, in spectacular fashion, to be anything other than a left-wing propaganda machine perpetuating leftist lies and showing 'democracy' as something only the Global Left can call their own, when in truth the Left have no respect or love for democracy. The left value tyranny and statism, while democracy is about freedom. Yet the museum totally fails to acknowledge this.
Any attempt on the leftist historical warriors' part to disguise their agenda as unbiased fact is blown away in the first minute you enter the building. After paying an entrance fee (obviously the museum's clientelle is so marginal that your tax dollars don't cover its costs) you arrive in a large entry foyer, upon which hangs, in prominent place, a large painting of Paul Keating, the socialist Prime Minister whose disrespect for the Queen, the Parliament and the electorate brought shame upon our country. Keating doesn't deserve a portrait at all, let alone one hung in a place that is supposed to be about democracy. But there he is, looking down his elitist nose at everybody else. The only contribution he made to Australian democracy was getting out of office.
The rest of the museum's content is no better, or if you can believe it, even worse. The entire former parliamentary library space has been taken over by a pitiful excuse for 'history'. An exhibition devoted to celebrating Australia's democracy should rightly focus on the contributions made to it by the governments and people who believed in it - people like Robert Menzies, Joh Bjelke-Petersen, Henry Bolte and of course John Howard. Instead, it celebrates not only the achievements of people who were not Australian, but the 'achievements' of people who did not care for or nurture democracy in any way.
The entire exhbition reads like a leftist recruitment drive. All the Left's favourite whinging topics are included - republicanism, homosexuality, Aborigines - with no coverage given at all to any alternative views. A short film is shown in which a variety of aboriginal people give thanks to Kevin Rudd for his 'apology' to them but totally ignores the basic facts of aboriginal history - chiefly, that children were taken away from their parents because their parents could not look after them. The film also describes the poor state of aboriginal health and education and suggests greater amounts of welfare be paid to them, ignoring the basic truth that welfare is responsible for their situation in the first place. The Left don't want to know about the truth - they care only about pushing their radical Socialist agenda on the rest of us.
Most offensive of all is the 'museum''s take on the issue of republicanism. The 'museum' shows republicanism to be a symbol of democracy. It takes as its basic premise that until Australia becomes a republic we will not be fully democratic. This is so far from the truth it is almost laughable. Our robust democracy stems from the monarchy - the reason the Radical Left want to abolish the Queen is because she exists as a check on their power. Without the Queen, Australia would become a socialist tyranny.
Yet the 'museum fails to recognise this'. In an interactive display, it asks visitors to vote on whether Australia ought to become a republic and what kind of republic it ought to become. What it does not do is give a balanced argument against a republic. It simply assumes that the radical left's poisonous lies about democracy will be swallowed. The 'museum''s masterminds have also cleverly 'stacked' the results of the voting so that it appears as if a majority of the voters are in favour of a republic, when in fact the 1999 referendum proved the exact opposite. The Radical Left's obsession with republicanism borders on the insane, except that their agenda depends upon it. They demand a republic because without it they cannot do what they wish to do, which is end democracy and capitalism.
The bias continues in the other exhibition, devoted to Australia's Prime Ministers. Here, the leftist historians behind this farce of a 'museum' have ostensibly 'honoured' each of Australia's 26 Prime Ministers. There are so many examples of not just bias but blatant factual errors in this display that one hardly knows how to begin to describe them. Here are just a few that I spotted within five minutes (which is more of my time than this radical propaganda deserved):
  • J.B. Chifley's decision to nationalise the banks in 1949 is marked as a 'courageous' decision. It was not 'courageous' - it was foolish and subversive. Chifley showed his, and the Labor Party's, true colours when he attempted to abolish Australia's capitalist economy. But, like the rest of the Radical Left, the museum's curators continue to worship Chifley as some sort of visionary saint when in fact he was a dangerous radical opposed to the very ideals the museum claims to honour.
  • The exhibition mentions that Gough Whitlam was dismissed from office in 1975 but fails to mention the circumstances - i.e. that Whitlam had bankrupted the nation with his socialist spending policies.
  • The panel devoted to John Howard contains a quote about gun control which the designers clearly chose as part of their anti-American agenda. Their obsession with American gun control laws truly knows no bounds.
  • Keating's republicanism is again held up as a noble sentiment rather than a subversive plot.
  • Equal space is given to Sir Robert Menzies, who served nearly two decades as Prime Minister, and during that time waged a noble war against Communism, built up the Australian economy to a record peak, firmly stood by decency and morality, upheld traditional values and saw Australia's place move from a small colonial nation to a world power, as to Frank Forde, who held office for one week and did nothing whatsoever. This is clearly again showing a leftist bias, as showing Forde, a Socialist who did nothing as equal to Menzies, a Conservative who did a great deal, implies that one dud Socialist is equal to one long-term conservative.

After this point I had had enough and left the premises. I complained loudly about my findings to one of the 'museum' staff, who wore a ridiculously unfashionable orange polo-neck shirt. He fobbed me off with platitudes about how it was 'only my opinion' - rather than admit the lies and propaganda he represented, he attempted to convince me that I was in the wrong. I stormed out and spent the remainder of my stay in Canberra at the airport, which I greatly preferred. Aeroplanes don't lie.

Canberra is a cesspool. It is filled with radical leftists who permeate every aspect of its culture. It is truly astounding the Howard government managed to govern so well and according to conservative principles when the public service that runs the town is so tainted by radical politics. What sickens me is that this is what children are going to see and what they are going to think is the true story of Australian democracy. Leftist historians, who have likewise infiltrated other cultural institutions like the National Museum, want to use our cultural institutions to indoctrinate not just children, but adults to into participating in their agenda.

Avoid Canberra at all costs. No good can ever come from anything there. The one positive thing I have to say is that the 'Museum of Australian Democracy' is aptly named for the future. With its masterminds' bosom buddy Kevin Rudd in power, soon Australia's democracy will be a museum piece.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Seven Steps to Victory

Last post, I outlined the goals of the international global Socialist Left movement. Now, I will outline how we, as Conservatives, can fight this movement and ensure victory in the ongoing war between the righteous Right and the cowardly Left.

This is a rehash of an old article of mine called Seven Steps to Victory. It shows precisely how this war can be won and society saved from the evils of leftism.

Those of us on the correct side of the political spectrum (the Right) are locked in a perpetual war with those of us on the other side (the Left). The war never ends because the Left, unable to accept that they a) are a tiny minority and b) truly lost two decades ago when the Berlin Wall came down, continue to fight. They continue to wage their petty wars against profit, against the family, against God and against anything else they see as getting in the way of their socialist utopia.
Unfortunately, with Barack Obama’s recent victory in the United States, the Left seem to think they have won. And I admit that, perhaps, the collapse of the Soviet Union didn’t end the war once and for all as we thought it had. The Left seem to be regrouping.
The worldwide scam of climate change, for which there is no evidence whatsoever, nonetheless has millions of devotees worldwide, thanks largely to Al Gore whose hatred of success and profit borders on the obsessive.
The Obama win is just the latest in a long line of setbacks for the global Right. Now, for the first time in decades, we find ourselves without a foothold in the governance of the most powerful nation on Earth. Even in Australia, the Right have begun to stumble. First, we lost our standard-bearer in the defeat of john Howard last year. The Rudd myth (that he is anything but a profit-hating socialist and an elitist snob) was so successful because we, in the Right, started to move away from what made us great in the first place. Now that Howard is gone, the modern Liberal Party is flirting more and more with a leftward stance. Like most Howard supporters, I haven’t abandoned the Liberal Party just yet; though the idea of Malcolm Turnbull, who is a republican (another socialist scam) as Prime Minister doesn’t exactly appeal, on his most left-wing day he is further right than Kevin Rudd, who wants to give the unions control of the national economy.
So how do we get back in the game? What can we, the Right, do to prevent those evil, fear-mongering, profit-hating atheists on the Left from taking control of the world, forever?
The answer is obvious. We have to recapture the public. The Left gained ground because they convinced millions of people they had changed – that they weren’t socialist barbarians any more. To beat them, we need to show people they haven't. Adopting their policies and their methodology, as some have suggested, won’t work. All it will do is make people think we think they’re right.
Instead, we need to return to our roots. We need to show people that we are the only side that can keep the world from descending into an Orwellian nightmare.
So I have outlined a seven-step plan to do just this. By following these steps, the Republicans will oust Obama in 2012, Rudd will be toast this time next year, and the world can get on with itself again and forget this temporary leftist coup ever took place.

1. Give no ground.
The leftists are wrong. About everything. They have never had a single good idea. Everything they do is designed to destroy modern society, because that is their intent. But there is a real temptation to adopt their policies because we think it will make people like us again. It won’t. All it will do is hasten the downfall of civilization the left have been dreaming about for centuries. There are certain people who claim to be conservative that have been ‘sucked in’ by liberalism and think that their ‘moderation’ is the key to success. But they don’t realise that this is what liberals want. They want us to be like them, just like they want everybody else to be like them.So instead, we need to hold firm to our beliefs. Abortion is murder. You cannot be conservative and pro-abortion. Homosexuality is a sin. You cannot be conservative and pro-gay. Deficit is bad. You cannot be conservative and pro-deficit. You certainly cannot be non-religious and conservative. A religious belief, especially the Judeo-Christian variety, is crucial, central, and even fundamental to the very basis of conservative thought. An atheist conservative is a contradiction in terms – both pro-choice and pro-life? Impossible. Yet there are plenty within our movement who are tempted to adopt these positions. There are so-called ‘conservatives’ who claim to be pro-abortion, atheist, pro-gay – even some, like the ridiculous “Log Cabin Republicans” in the United States, who claim to be conservative but practice an immoral lifestyle totally out of step with conservative ideology.To become Number One again, conservatives need to resist the temptation to do these things. We need to remain where we belong – honest, decent, hard-working and CONSERVATIVE.

2. Excise the impure
If we want to remain pure to our beliefs, the second step is to continue the work begun in the first. Once conservatives accept that there is only one true type of conservatism, the next step is to expel from the various parties and movements those who advocate otherwise.In Australia, this means a purge of the Liberal Party, trimming out all the republicans, all the abortionists, all the homosexuals and all the non-believers. Malcolm Turnbull would have to go, along with Christopher Pyne, Julie Bishop and everybody else who advocates anything other than a hard line on abortion, gay rights and the War on Terror. Anybody who makes any public (or even private) statements on any of these issues that differs one iota from the official, conservative line needs to be expelled and prohibited from ever rejoining.In the United States, this means a radical purge of the Republican Party, by which I mean a purge of all the radicals. The so-called RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) including, but by no means limited to, Chuck Hagel, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and Lindsey Graham.This also extends to others who are sometimes considered ‘real Republicans’ but advocate non-conservative views. John McCain opposed the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have banned homosexual marriage. So he’s out. Sarah Palin, however, would stay, as would other good conservatives like Pat Buchanan, Mike Huckabee, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, John Bolton and more. With the right-wing parties cleansed of those who would seek to adopt liberalism, we will once again be seen for what we once were and what we should be – the sole, true and honest guardians, or champions, of traditional values and mainstream society.

3. Don’t let the Left have what they want
From time to time, especially in Australia, the right just cave in to the left’s demands. We vote for their legislation, and make up feeble excuses as to why. We have to resist this trend as well, and ALWAYS oppose whatever scams or schemes the left come up with next. To their credit, the Republicans have already done this in the USA by opposing Obama’s “stimulus package” which is designed to cripple the U.S. economy. In Australia, the Liberal Party has followed suit, by opposing Rudd’s version of the same thing. It would have been very tempting to avoid “being obstructionist” or “damaging the economy” by voting FOR the packages, but they didn’t, because, thankfully, they realise that once you vote for a liberal scam, you’re trapped into voting for all of them until everything the left wants comes true. It’s the economic package one day, the next day you’re voting to nationalise all business and the next day you’re voting to abolish capitalism and religion. But sometimes we do give ground. In the U.S., for instance, almost all the Republicans in the Senate voted to install Hillary Clinton, the most dangerous woman alive, as Secretary of State. They voted to put a woman who has admitted she is both a) a socialist and b) anti-American in charge of the foreign policy of the world’s only superpower. Their explanation for why was simply that Clinton was ‘qualified’ to be Secretary of State, leaving out the part about her being totally unsuitable and a great danger to Western civilisation. This is why Clinton is now in her position. Republicans can’t complain about anything she does, because they put her there.But why did they put her there? Because some conservatives think that by giving liberals what they want on the small things, we can more ably fight them on the big things. But what they fail to realise is that there ARE no small things! This is a war, and in a war where the stakes are as high as these, any defeat is a significant defeat.So to win, we have to oppose the left at every turn. By doing this we will show how steadfast we are, and how our values will never be compromised. Republicans should vote against every bill Obama sends to Congress. The Liberals should vote against every bill in the Australian Parliament, no matter how ‘reasonable’ it seems to those sucked in by left-wing lies. Only then can we show the people the true left-wing agenda.

4. Stop reading books
I’ve never trusted books. Books, especially those written by people with letters after their name, mean trouble. Obama and Rudd get all their ideas from books, and look how they’ve turned out. Al Gore wrote a book, now millions of people have been sucked in by the climate change scam. Getting your ideas from books leads to trouble. The world is a simple place, and there are simple truths to life that are threatened if too many of us start reading intellectual books. We all know, if we’ve been brought up properly, that welfare is socialism, and therefore bad. But if someone from a university, even someone claiming to be one of us, writes a book that expresses the idea that it isn’t, or that it is but it’s not necessarily a bad thing, there might be a very strong temptation to read it and adopt the dangerous new ideas in it. This only leads to us becoming more like the left – convinced that people with qualifications know more about life than people who were raised with good conservative values.There is only one book worth getting any ideas out of. All of us who are true conservatives know what it’s called.

5. Stop trying to ‘prove’ everything.
The left are obsessed with ‘proof’. If you can’t dig a ‘fact’ out of some dead German’s meisterwerk, it’s not true. We all know that’s nonsense. Some things are true whether or not you can ‘prove’ them or not. The sky is blue. Rain is wet. Abortion is murder. Humans are descended from Adam, not apes. These things will still be true, whether we can prove them or not. The left challenge us to ‘prove’ everything we say and we oblige them, giving them an opening to attack our sources or our research. So we need to stop. By not falling for the left’s obsession with ‘evidence’ for everything, our message will have more impact and the left won’t be able to attack us.

6. Find a global standard-bearer.
The left are doing so well because they have a single, undisputed leader. In Australia, Kevin Rudd gets his marching orders from only one man – the sole, unchallenged fuhrer of the global left movement – Barack Hussein Obama. We need our own Obama. We need a single individual to be our worldwide herald, a person who can be for us what Obama is to the left. Someone who holds true to all right-wing values and who understands what needs to be done to win this war. Unfortunately, it can no longer be George W. Bush, who cannot be President again. Dick Cheney, as much as he would be a good candidate, seems to lack any personal skills. My personal choice would be Sarah Palin. Palin has all the qualities necessary to be the conservative movement’s number one figure. She is different (a woman – Obama’s support is mostly due to his race, so let’s counter that by putting up a woman as our standard-bearer), she is solidly conservative and she is personable. She understands that we’re at war. She doesn’t read too many books. Her ideas are all good, solid conservative ones. Her commitment to our values is rock-solid. In 2012 or (god forbid) 2016, putting Sarah Palin up as our worldwide leader would surely lead to a resurgence in our favour that would knock the left out of play for decades to come.

7. Give pundits and commentators more influence.
I am referring not only to myself but to Americans like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter and Bill O’Reilly. In Australia it is people like Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt and Piers Ackerman. These are people who are not only good conservatives, but, importantly, have their fingers on the pulse of public opinion. It is these pundits who are our messengers and salesmen, but we should be using them as our advisers and counsellors. Nobody knows better than a news columnist or radio/TV host what the public is thinking. By the ‘public’ I mean those decent, honest, hard-working people, not the fringe left. It is these people who are able to correctly read and divine the public’s mood on an issue and then write or speak the truth to the masses. Rush Limbaugh should be running the Republican Party because he knows, better than anybody, what is important to mainstream Americans. Exactly the same situation applies to Alan Jones in Australia. We need these people to be our confidantes. They should be setting our policy agendas so that when we go to the people at an election, our policies are well in-line with mainstream values.

Only by following these steps can we, the global right, once again become ascendant and prevent the collapse of freedom and capitalism that the left are determined to force upon us all. The most important thing to remember is this: WE ARE AT WAR. During World War II, did the bombing of London cause Churchill to back down and let the Germans invade? No, it strengthened his resolve. Many wanted to concede defeat, but Churchill refused. So too must it be now with the rise of the Left. We may, alas, have lost the battle. But we will win the war if we remember to be true to who we are.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Socialism - a primer

Today is May 1, which Socialists and Communists celebrate as May Day, which is their celebration of the loss of liberty in the former Soviet Union.
I think that today is therefore a good day to educate people about exactly what it is that socialists and communists believe. A lot has been written about this subject but there is a lot of disinformation. It is therefore appropriate that I set the record straight and outline exactly what the global Left, which includes Obama and Rudd, believe the state of our world should be and how they plan to make it a reality.
Socialist ideology boils down to 3 main tenets. They are:
  1. An all-powerful, one-world government.
  2. The abolition of success, privilege and profit
  3. The abolition of religion and other non-socialist institutions

I will explain what each means in turn and how the global Left plan to make it happen.

1. An all-powerful, one-world government
Socialists believe the government should have the power to do anything whatsoever, with no regard for the personal liberties of others. This extends to the right to make money and be successful, which I will revisit later, since it is the core of their belief system.
Socialits want to replace each country with an all mighty, totalitarian, socialist government spanning the whole world. The socialist propagandist, George Orwell, described this utopia in very specific terms in his work 1984, which outlines exactly the kind of society and government Orwell and his disciples wanted and still want today. A socialist government would replace all national governments and become a one-world, unitary state ruled by a group of the socialist elite, which of course would all be leading academics. Socialists worship academics because their idea of an 'achiever' is a person who has read a lot of books. There would be no democracy and all dissent, including religion, would be banned. I will expand on this point later.
Socialists love transnational bodies such as the European Union and the United Nations because they see them as the key to this global takeover. More and more national powers are eroded by these international bodies (such as treaties on 'rights' subverting national law) until they effectively form a global dictatorship.

2. The abolition of success, privilege and profit
The Left hate success. Because they are all miserable failures who don't know how to be successful in life, they don't want anybody else to be successful either. So the socialist utopia is one in which there is no success, at least not by the standards that we define it. Anything anybody earns in this world will simply be given to the government. It will be illegal to operate a business or any other enterprise if the intention is to make money. There will be no legal way for a person to better themselves. The entire purpose of life, which is to get to the top of the pile and stay there, will be abolished, rendering all existence ultimately pointless. Thus, everybody will be poor and miserable.
Which is exactly what socialists want. Socialism stipulates that everybody should be poor and miserable. They call it 'equality', but they know that their total inability to handle an economy will render everybody poor, except for the lucky elite who are in charge.
The socialist plan to abolish all profit and success is already well underway. One of their master strokes was the total fabrication of 'climate change'. This gives them an excuse to punish people for being successful and making profit. You can't make money or have a nice car anymore - it's "bad for the planet". With this myth now firmly entrenched in society, the socialists plan to take it to its logical conclusion by banning all profit, making their dream a reality.

3. The abolition of religion and other non-socialist institutions
In order to maintain their global socialist utopia, the left want to silence all dissent. One of the biggest sources of dissent against the leftist agenda is organised religion, or indeed, religion of any kind, especially Christianity. Christians believe that we should govern our lives and our nations according to the teachings of God and Christ. Socialists view this as dangerous because it conflicts with their own views, which are that our lives and nations should be governed according to the teachings of Lenin, Marx and Al Gore.
So, socialists want to make Christianity, and other religion, illegal. The exception seems to be Islam, which they don't seem to have a problem with. I find this confusing, but I put it down to socialists being insane. But their plan to abolish Christianity manifests itself as a distinct anti-religious agenda in the policies of their administrations around the world. In the United States, for instance, they prevent school children from even saying prayers, in order to indoctrinate them into this non-Christian world. In Australia, their tactics are more subtle. Socialists make it very clear they oppose religion by conducting themselves in a manner totally against Christian teaching and showing utter contempt for those of us who were brought up properly.

Hopefully now, it is very clear what socialists want and how they plan to achieve it.
My next post will explain how we, as conservatives, can fight their plans and ensure they don't get what they want.